I like this post from onsimplicity.net. It includes a list of ways to keep your life more simple. Here are some of the things I've done to keep things simple in my own life:
1. Stick to black. I don't wear brown. Buying brown clothes, particularly work clothes, would require buying brown shoes and brown belts.... Instead, I have a couple pairs of decent black work shoes, and I buy corresponding outfits accordingly. Boring, I know, but it works for me.
2. Ask for help. I finally broke down and hired a cleaner. She comes twice a month, allowing me to focus my time on more important things.
3. Automatic billpay. Everything. I write about two checks a month - only when automatic billpay isn't an option.
4. Menu planning. I do this each weekend, in preparation for the coming week. I can't tell you how much it reduces the stress of dinnertime during the week. It also makes the grocery shopping trip more focused and efficient. Anytime I neglect to do this, I regret it.
5. End each day with a good book. It's just a nice and relaxing and quiet way to end each crazy day.
There are lots of other things I could include here, and that list provides some other good ideas.
If I could take one more simple idea away from it, it would be "clean out your media collection and keep only the items you love". My iTunes has a bunch of music on it that I really don't love any more, and I have a bin of old CDs that I just haven't been able to bring myself to get rid of. I should, though. Focus on the best of the best. Maybe I'll start that this weekend.
What's one more thing you could do to simplify your own life?
Hmmm. Simplify? What a completely logical concept! ;-) I like the "keeping the best of the best." I really TRY to only do that - well, let me be honest - i like to THINK I do that but I really don't and I really should. Thanks for the reminder! And you're right - those are beautiful images. Headed over to "here" right now. Thanks for stopping by my blog!