January 6, 2011

Moving Forward

I know that many people feel the need to identify resolutions as they head into the new year.  Looking back, I even had a post last year declaring my own.  It's funny, but I don't really feel the urge to do it this year.  When I look at how I did against those resolutions, I find that I did really well in some areas, and others, not so much.  I'm sure that would be the case again if I were to write them down, and honestly, I think my resolutions would be pretty much the same.  So instead, I'm going to look forward and continue on my current path, always searching for opportunities to better myself and enjoy life.

Here's what I said last year (and how I did):
  • Sleep more (more, yes.  enough?  not even close.)
  • Don't ever complain about having to play with my sons (can't remember complaining once about having to play - they are my joy.)
  • Entertain more and nurture my local friendships (pretty good - i keep trying, anyway.)
  • Write more letters to friends and family and nurture my long-distance relationships (Facebook is fun, but it doesn't count). Perhaps even pick up the phone every now and then (sigh - this will always be a challenge for me - i hate talking on the phone, but i'll keep trying.)
  • Spend lots of time snuggling with my baby boy, who is rapidly outgrowing the snuggly phase (lots and lots of snuggling.  he's getting big, but he's still pretty snuggly.)
  • Find a time to exercise each week, even if it's just once (some good weeks, some bad weeks - won't that always be the case?)
  • Hire our neighbor to babysit and begin more regular date nights - at least monthly (good!  i actually even saw a few movies this year.  this reminds me - i need to plan one for January...)
  • Read at least a book a month (very good - i was in a reading groove this year and read quite a few great ones)
  • Do whatever it takes to make life easier so I can focus on what's truly important to me - my boys, my husband, my friends, my family, myself (this will always be on the list too of course.  the juggle is tough, but my priorities are usually right.)
    via flickr

1 comment:

  1. Love the new banner Mary - I am always on the look out for a picket fence! Good list of intentions rather than resolutions...we can but try! Lou x


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