April 1, 2008

Discussion Divas

As my brother once told me, we should strive to know "everything about something and something about everything". Well, of course this is a lofty goal, and I often find myself a bit overwhelmed. There's just too much going on in the world to stay on top of everything, and too much going on at home to spend a lot of time trying to stay informed. I do my best, watching the news occasionally, listening to NPR, and of course Jon Stewart helps. :-) I recently found a cool web site that allows you to sign up for a weekly newsletter. It focuses on one topic each week, and it summarizes the bigger picture of what's going on. For example, last week's topic was "China's Torch", and it talked about some of the dynamics leading up to the China games, including renewed violence and protests calling for Tibet's independence from China and how Beijing got the Summer Olympics to begin with. I've enjoyed getting the newsletters, and they only take a couple minutes to read. Check it out at http://www.discussiondivas.com/

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