May 2, 2011

Weekend and Goals

photo by:  xanthe berkeley

I think I may stick with this Monday format for a while.  After writing this post a couple weeks ago, I felt like those goals helped provide me with a little extra motivation.  I did go to bed earlier, I thought twice any time I wanted to mope about the weather, I did yoga, I planned a dinner menu, and I even got some new supplies to help change up the boys' lunches.  Success!

Highlights from the weekend:
1.  Beautiful weather.  A little chilly, but clear blue skies and warm sun.  Tons of playing outside.
2.  Both afternoons included an impromptu gathering in the yard with the neighbors.  Hanging around chatting while our boys played.
3.  Kickboxing, walking, weeding, plus the usual chasing after little ones.  I am sore in all the right places today.
4.  Sunday afternoon, my big boy asked me if we could go get some watermelon.  How could I refuse?  It's a little early for it, but sitting in the sun eating watermelon made it feel like summer was already here.
5.  During the little guy's nap, I spent a couple hours working in the yard.  My big boy entertained himself.  He kicked balls, he helped my neighbor in her yard...he just played on his own. 

Five commitments for the week:
1.  Cheer up.  It's okay to go through a rough patch, but it's not good to get stuck in one. 
2.  Book tickets for my June trip to Lake Ontario.  (Wow that's next month! Yes, I better get on it.)
3.  Schedule a babysitter for a date night this weekend.
4.  Enjoy quality-time with my book.  It's a good one.  I'll tell you about it when I'm done.
5.  Drink tons of water to try to flush the rest of this illness out of my body.

(Thanks again to Megan at Pink O'Clock for the Inspiration.)

Have a great week!


  1. love all of this, mary -- and can't wait to hear about the book you're reading!

  2. love this!

    i have been trying to think of a way to do this kind of post so i just might have to borrow this format.

  3. Hi Mary,
    This is such a great idea! I may have to start making some weekly commitments myself. Love it.


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