January 15, 2016

Friends and Good Conversation...

Is there anything better?

I went out to dinner with a group of mom friends last night, and at the end of the evening, my cheeks hurt from laughing. (I only classify them as "mom" friends, because we all met through our kids.) In addition to silliness and laughs, here are a few of the things we discussed:

- Two of the women in the group are from other countries (Peru and Portugal), and another one had never traveled outside the US at all. We talked about the meaning of the word "home" and about how the diversity in the United States can make it easier for people from other countries to not feel like an outsider.
- We talked about summer plans and child care and how expensive camps are. We work to go on vacations and to send our kids to camp so we can work. (That's not true, but it can feel like it when those big bills hit.)
- Six out of the seven work outside the home - some part-time, some full-time, but all of us understanding the challenge of the juggle. We talked about dinner challenges and bedtimes and commutes.
- One of the women is a widow. She has two boys, the same ages as mine, and her husband died of brain cancer four years ago. She also happens to be one of the most positive and fun people to be around - she's remarkable. She's going with a friend to a speed-dating event in a few weeks, which led to some interesting conversation about what kinds of questions she should ask.
- There is a tremendous amount of pride in our town. We love our schools and the community. We talked about local politics, the latest on school developments, what life will be like once our kids start middle school. (Only one of the group has a child already there.) We talked about bus schedules and homework and sports.
- Five of us have two boys. (One has a boy and a girl, and another has two boys and a girl.) That's a lot of boys! We talked about the saying "a son is a son 'til he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life". As the mothers of sons, we got pretty worked up about it. Let's just say I really, really, really hope my boys choose their wives wisely, and I hope they don't settle down too far away.
It was a fun night, and I know we'll do it again. I'll also get to see this same group on the sidelines of the soccer field this Spring. 

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