June 20, 2014

Endings and New Beginnings...

I've fallen out of my blog rhythm again.  The boys are out of school and so my routine has been upended.  Most of my online time seems to be dedicated to job applications and updates to the cover letter.  I do wake up early and generally get an hour or so before the little people wake up, but that's my exercise time.  I'm taking this morning off (I've been good and I deserve it!), so here I am.  

My little man and I have been spending a lot of quality time together.  My baby.  He's such a fascinating character, and I'm so grateful to be able to hang out with him like this.  He's had to accompany me on errands, but we've also managed to have a little fun along the way.  It's been a glorious week weather-wise, which always helps.  Summer is definitely here.  

My big boy had his last day of school yesterday, and we celebrated at a pool party at a new friend's house.  Tons of kids running around, and lots of families to get to know.  So much emotion from the older kids who finished elementary school and will be moving up next year.  So much excitement from all of them.  Our town conducts a "step-up day" on the last day of the school year, allowing the kids to meet their new teacher and see who will be in their class.  It's a wonderful way to end the year...with anticipation for the next.  My son was very happy to discover the friends who will be in his class, so of course I was as well.  

Other endings....Aaron wrapped up his first year of piano, and his teacher gave him a CD of songs he played at his lessons.  They generally recorded a song every week.  The progress was astounding!  And baseball.  Last night was the last game of the season.  It's still non-competitive at this age, and here I think it's a good thing.  The focus has been on learning the game, supporting your teammates, practicing skills.  Aaron loved it.  Just for fun, they gave Nathan a uniform and let him have a turn at bat at the end of the game.  He hit a hard shot down the first base line and ran around the bases to loud cheers from the crowd.  Such a fun way to end the year.  

And me....well, the job search continues.  I am getting conversations set up for the weeks the boys are at camp next month.  Fingers crossed.  Next I need to determine what I will wear.  I must admit, there is a part of me that is growing excited at the prospect of returning to work.  There is a lot to figure out, and so I often get overwhelmed at the thought of it.  But when I push all that aside for a moment, I realize that it will feel good to get back to it.  To use my brain in a different way, to contribute financially, to share the house/parenting responsibilities more equally with my husband.  It will be a good thing.  

So to today.  Our first full day of Summer vacation.  The sun is shining and the air is warm.  As I look at our very full Summer calendar, I am eager with anticipation.  I will work to slow it down as much as possible, soaking in every moment.  We have nothing planned for today, and that's just fine by me.  

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