November 2, 2009

Online Cooking Club - Week 7

*Image from Real Simple
Week 7 of the Online Cooking Club already. This week, I decided to make this recipe for Chicken Enchiladas. Similar to Joslyn, I am a person who is bound by recipes, as you've no doubt noticed. You're not typically going to see me try to "adapt" any recipes or create my own. Occasionally I'll try, using a recipe as an outline but then modifying it based on what I have or whatever. It usually fails. Every now and then it'll work, but in general, I like to stick with what the experts have created.

That said, I did make a few tweaks to this one. I used flour tortillas, because that's what I had and because every time I try to use corn tortillas, they end up chewy and not very tasty. I don't know what my problem is, and I'll try again one day, but for now I stick to flour. So instead of frying in oil, I quickly dipped the tortillas in some veggie broth. Worked fine. I used frozen corn and frozen chicken strips - both worked fine as well, and make it even easier. Also, I'd probably add some cilantro next time. Especially if you don't go heavy on the green salsa (I used bottled, by the way - don't call me a cheat, okay?), a little cilantro would go a long way I think. (Plus I just love cilantro.)

The results? Very good. A was having a bad night - perhaps all that Halloween candy gave him a stomachache - but he didn't really eat much of anything, even after I gave up on the enchiladas and offered him a bowl of cereal. So we won't use him as a judge. My husband said they were yummy, and he doesn't lie about such things. I liked them and loved how easy they were to make. And enchiladas are one of those dishes you can modify pretty easily based on what you have in your fridge. I didn't make a side dish this time, but you could serve with rice, beans, tortilla chips, salad....again, pretty flexible. Another keeper!

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