May 10, 2013

Brown Bird - The Messenger

I first heard Brown Bird at the Newport Folk Festival last year.  We sat in the sunshine, listening to the music, and Kevin and I decided that the band playing was pretty awesome.  I loved their album Salt for Salt, and I'm enjoying their latest too, entitled Fits of Reason.  Their music is chill, soulful, and very cool.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the ending....I felt very cross!! Disappointed & cheated too. I had to Google it immediately (it was late in the evening when I finished) and see what other people thought - lots of similar views. Lots of people felt they deserved each other though - I disagree.

    I could not understand how he could stay and also how she completely got away with everything. A great read because it was so unpredictable but I really didn't like the ending!!

    I do like this song though, I really enjoy your music posts.

    Happy Week-end :)


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