December 5, 2011

Weekend Recap

For the past week, my head has been filled with tasks, both things I want to do and things I need to do.  There is so much we want to fit into this short holiday season, and it can easily become overwhelming.  However, I had a moment when my head cleared.  I smelled someone burning a fire, felt a seasonal chill in the air, and listened to the Christmas music on my radio.  A peace came over me.  I let it all go and reminded myself that there is plenty of time for the important things. 

This weekend, we got our craft on.  The big boy wanted to make presents for his grandmas and aunt/uncles again this year, so I chose a few simple ideas and he executed on them.  We both had a lot of fun working together on them. 

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet, which is nice, since the rest of the month won't be.  Some time spent at the library and with the resulting pile of Christmas books at home.  We ate, drank wine, watched a movie.  Played outside.  The simple things. 

Next weekend:  The big boy's 5th birthday party.  We are just having some of his friends over to the house for a simple party, but it still seems like there is so much to prepare for it.  I am almost ready - the pinata is filled, the pin the tail on the donkey is on the wall, the craft is ready for them to make.  Food, drinks, balloons, and a cake, and we're ready! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary, your big boy is 5 next weekend, and mine will be 25! I remember his 5th birthday, it was wonderful as was his 10th, 15th, 20th and 24th (and all the others inbetween!) I hope you all have a fantasticly happy time. Jude x


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