January 8, 2010

Goals and Resolutions

*Another lovely image captured by Alicia Bock
I guess it's that time of year. A lot of people start the new year by making resolutions or goals for the coming year. It's certainly a common theme in blogland this week. I've talked a little about some of the things I'd like to do this year with my family, but I thought perhaps I should capture some of them here. Some of them are what I'd call resolutions, or things I want to do more or less of. And some of them I'd call goals - very specific activities or accomplishments I want to check off a list.
I loved doing this list, and I thought it was a fun way to keep track of my accomplishments, both the serious and the fun, the big and the little. I'm working on this year's list of goals, which won't include the birthday deadline this time. I'll share the list in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here are some of my resolutions for 2010:
  • Sleep more
  • Don't ever complain about having to play with my sons
  • Entertain more and nurture my local friendships
  • Write more letters to friends and family and nurture my long-distance relationships (Facebook is fun, but it doesn't count). Perhaps even pick up the phone every now and then
  • Spend lots of time snuggling with my baby boy, who is rapidly outgrowing the snuggly phase
  • Find a time to exercise each week, even if it's just once
  • Hire our neighbor to babysit and begin more regular date nights - at least monthly
  • Read at least a book a month
  • Do whatever it takes to make life easier so I can focus on what's truly important to me - my boys, my husband, my friends, my family, myself

Do you make resolutions? If so, please share! What are you focused on heading into 2010?

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