The lovely Louise at
Lou Boos and Shoes tagged me with a Versatile Blogger award. It means I'm supposed to share seven things about myself. Well, it sounds like fun, but how do I decide what to tell you? Well, here goes. Seven extremely random things about me.
1. If I could go back to college, I'd major in English and Philosophy. I've learned that your undergraduate major doesn't matter a whole lot when entering the business world, so why not study subjects that you find interesting? I adored my English and Philosophy classes and wish I could've taken more.
2. When I look at a dessert menu, I almost always opt for the fruity ones vs. the chocolate ones. I am a lover of tarts. Not that I don't adore chocolate. I do. But given the choice between a piece of chocolate cake and a mixed berry tart, I'm picking the berries every time.
3. I don't chew gum. Ever. It makes my jaw hurt. I have had TMJ issues throughout the years, and it's just not worth the pain.
4. My favorite season is Fall. It is gorgeous here in New England, and I love everything about it. Blue skies, orange leaves, apple-picking, pumpkins, football, and crisp cool days.
5. My current favorite moment of every day is right after dinner. The boys get a burst of energy after leaving the dinner table, and they chase each other around, laughing and squealing. Sometimes I use the time to clean up, do dishes, etc, but I've been trying to appreciate the time more. I get down on the floor and join the tickle-sessions. I chase the big boy around the house or around the yard. I help the little boy climb up and down the porch stairs. Every day, they get more and more independent.
6. I really want to play my guitar today. Can I make it happen? Yes. Even if I have to stick to songs the boys will dance to, I will pull it out today. I'm determined.
7. The thing I miss most about life before kids is having the time to sit and be still. I am very good at relaxing, pondering, listening, resting, reflecting, and watching the sky. I still try very hard to make sure I have some time every day to do this. I always end my days in bed with a book, but I also need at least a few moments to allow my mind to wander.
I'd like to bestow this honor on the following lovely blogs: