September 27, 2012

The New Year...

source unknown

I'm enjoying my favorite month in New England.  The treetops are turning orange, and the air is clear and crisp.  If you can believe it, though, the renovation is still not complete.  Yes, I do have a kitchen, but I now have nothing in the front half of the house. (issues with the floors, so they are being redone.  again.)  This time of year is my New Year, the time when I feel the urge to clean and simplify and identify goals and prepare for the upcoming holiday season.  It's a wonderful time.  But without full access to my house, I feel like I can't do these things.  I've been trying to focus on getting organized where I can, but I need my house back now!!!  Sigh.  Okay.  Enough.  I just wanted to let you know that the office is one of the rooms I won't be able to use for a bit, so I probably won't have much up on the blog for the next week.   See you soon...


  1. I've always felt like fall is the beginning of the year too. Not only is it my favorite season, but My birthday & Emma's birthday are next month, and Bryan & I also met in October. It's such a nostalgic time for me.

    Any word on when the house will be done?!

  2. Any day now, Hollie, but I've been saying that for six weeks now. Sigh...


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