February 27, 2012

Weekend Recap

What a lovely weekend.  I drove down to the coast of Connecticut to meet a friend of mine.  She lives outside New York City, and this spot is almost exactly the midpoint between us.  This was our second annual "Mary and Ali getaway weekend", and it's a tradition we plan on continuing for many years to come.  The agenda included body treatments, naps (the biggest luxury of all!), a nice dinner, manicures/pedicures (my toes are so happy right now), and rare quality time with a friend.

I am not a person who makes friends easily.  I've been told many times in the past that I can be difficult to get to know.  I'm a bit of an introvert, and I am not gifted in the art of social conversation.  (I do try, and I believe I've made progress over the years, but still.  In many respects, we are who we are.)  As a result, I treasure my friends immensely.  To have friends that I not only genuinely like to spend time with, but who also truly understand me?  That is certainly something I will never take for granted. 


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean! I think we are similar beasts you and I; we are introvert and I, like you, have a handful of treasured friends who understand me and who have, over the years, got to know me. How lovely that you got to spend that time away from it all - I dream of that! I generally find that it works out just too hard to actually achieve a lot of the time. My best friend is knee deep in toddlers and babies so until hers have grown I will be having pedicures alone! Here's hoping that she emerges out the other side soon! Lou x

  2. lovely post lovely girl. glad we friends. xoxoxo

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend. I'm with you on not making friends easily...but perhaps that's what makes the friendships one does have all the more meaningful. I hope your week is off to a lovely start. Annie x


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