I know, I know - it's been a while. I will do some catching up soon. Well, maybe not soon, but at some point. Summer is busy! So many fun things to do. And since work is also pleasantly busy as well at the moment, it doesn't allow time for blogging. But I will check in when I can.
These pictures are from our week on Cape Cod during the first week of July. It seems forever ago already. We rented the same house we stayed in last year - why mess with a good thing? We went with Kevin's family, and we had a wonderful time. The house is two blocks from the beach, and overall, we had really nice weather. It was a week full of beach time, games, spending time with family, morning yoga, bike rides, and ice cream. We also went out to a Cape League baseball game and met up with a couple families from home - friends of the boys. It was great.
Aaron is never as happy as when he's on a boogie board.
A cloudy day means bumper boats and batting cages.
It was a beautiful night for baseball.
The boys could skip rocks for hours.